Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Feeling a little ironic...

Here I am. I'm just getting settled in here at my new blog home, I've gotten back in touch with a reader who I had lost along the way, and I'm ready to switch to a new address.

Don't worry. There's a good reason!

The real reason: I wanted to use wordpress. I missed it, and the new version is a lot of fun.

The publishable reason: Hell, I can't even think of a more impressive reason. This is not to say that my "real" reason is impressive, because it is not. Alright enough is enough, here is the link to my new blog.


The time is now 1:45 AM. The new blog will be up and running in about an hour.

Thanks for keeping up with me!

Monday, November 20, 2006

I've quit smoking, for good!

Hi Everyone!

Today is Day 3 since my last cigarette. I have written about this in more detail at my quit smoking blog, which can be found here.


I feel great.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

4 months to go!

The wedding is now 4 months away and this revelation came as a bit of a shock to me. I have sort of put the wedding on the back burner for a bit, and haven't done any planning in quite some time.
Today, I took out a pen and paper and wrote down all the things that needed to be done, either this month or relatively soon. It was utterly shocking.

I know I can get it all done, but looking at it all is intimidating.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Blogger beta is being ...I cannot think of a "B" word for "Wonky".

I tried to post my SomaFM post like 10 times, and it wouldn't let me. Then, I happen to check my blog and it *had* posted 2 of those times I tried. SO, I then try to delete the excess posts, and at first, it tells me it can't do that. GRR.

Thankfully all has been solved.



For those who don't already listen to it, do yourself a favor and stop on by SomaFM You will find several commercial free, excellent quality internet radio stations. Mostly electronica (Though they are adding more "variety" in the areas of indie pop and a station called "boot liquor" which is "Americana roots music for Cowhands, Cowpokes and Cowtippers." It shall be noted that I will be staying very far away from that last one. ;)

I'm partial to Tag's Trance Trip, Secret Agent, and Space Station Soma. Secret Agent is just plain fun!

Your ears will be happy, trust me.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Renewed Motivation and changes in plans...

I am behind in my classes. VERY BEHIND. I don't remember exactly how it all happened, but at some point, a few weeks ago, I fell *slightly* behind, and that *slightly* has snowballed into tremendously behind. *sigh* I have this mixed ball of emotions: guilt, sadness, embarassment, fear, anxiety, panic. All these emotions have made me very avoidant of anything remotely related to school. Why? I HAVE NO IDEA! *sigh*

All is not lost. I spoke to some people at my school, and they're going to give me a freebie one week extension for each of my classes. If that's not enough, I can ask for an incomplete, and then I will have 6 weeks to finish my work. They are very supportive and very willing to help out. This is a huge relief.

As for the changes in plans, I am changing majors to boring old business administration (with a focus on project management) Why? My dear E. and I are planning on going into business together. It would be very helpful if at least one of us knew something about how to run a business. ;) That *and* the program I really want to switch to (web development) isn't offered online (and the closest campus is in Greenville, SC).

So, if I can make it through the next few weeks and get my work done, I can then breathe a huge sigh of relief. Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hop on over to my other blog for a minute

I wrote a post on my other blog that I thought you might enjoy.

Clickety clickety click! (You know you wanna...)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

It's NaNoWriMo!

Today is November first and that means it is now National Novel Writing Month! Hooray! I haven't gotten any writing done yet, but in a few minutes (probably closer to an hour...) I will sit down and get some writing in. I need to write a little under 1,700 words every day this month to stay on track...but of course, anything over that mark is a blessing as it allows me to slack at a later date. :)

Not much has changed since I last updated...except I'm pretty behind in my classes, which means if I don't change that soon, I won't be able to do NaNoWriMo. *sigh*

Will update more soon.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Life Update 1.0

I thought I'd post a little information about what's been going on in my life lately. Honestly, not too much, but I thought my readers might be curious, and so here we go:

-E.'s brother J. has moved in with us on a temporary basis. He's really nice and we all get along really well, so far. E. warned me that the two of them might end up on non-speaking terms by the time this is all said and done, but I am just not getting that vibe. I think this is going to be a good situation for all involved.
---> Speaking of J., he did my "birth chart" and it is eerily accurate! I'm very impressed.

-I'm going to school, full-time. (still! I haven't dropped out yet! HOORAY!) I'm also making A's in all my classes, which makes me feel very good about my competency. I have, however, developed a bit of a procrastination streak, as I did not do any work at all yesterday, and I haven't done any work today, thus far. I need to take care of this problem, and ensure that it doesn't really *become* a problem.

-National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo --> See the graphic to the right) is just a few short weeks away and I'm super excited about it. I'm excited for two reasons 1) I'm looking forward to the writing challenge itself and 2) I'm looking forward to the social aspect. Last year, I got involved with other local "WriMo's" and made a few friends. It was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to meeting up with them again (we've lost touch these past few months) as well as making new friends.

-E. and my wedding is less than 6 months away! WOO HOO! Lets just pray that the divorce is final in time. *bites nails*

-The mental health clinic where I received treatment closed. Ka-put. Gone for good. My therapist told me she will take me with her to her new job. As for my psychiatrist? No word. He just gave me 3 months of refills and wished me the best of luck. Actually, I'm exaggerating for effect. In truth, he just gave me 3 months of refills. Didn't even wish me luck. :( SO, I'm in the market for a new psychiatrist...I hate being bounced around. Grr.

-I've gained 5 pounds. This normally would not make it into the "news" section of my blog, but you see, a beautiful wedding dress was purchased and if I gain too much weight, I won't be able to wear it. That would be beyond terrible. :( carrot sticks and celery for me!

I think that's about it. The leaves are starting to change and the temperature is dropping. This is my favorite time of year and I'm preparing to enjoy every minute of it. :)

~Until next time...


Follow the white rabbit...

Have you made it through the rabbit hole? Is anyone out there reading this? Probably not. I'm hoping that at some point, and relatively soon, there will be. I don't like the idea of throwing my thoughts out into the void, knowing that no one will ever see them. Not like my thoughts are anything special...but its sort of comforting to know that someone's reading along.

I think this is my one millionth blog. I've had so many blogs, even *I* cannot remember all of them. I tried, this afternoon, to remember several of the most recent so that I could put a link on them to *this* blog and you know what? I draw a blank. Its silly, its ridiculous, it could almost even be shameful. My poor readers have all dissipated, as a result, I am almost certain. I'm embarassed about this whole situation, and so I won't be emailing my friends and closest associates about this new blog. Its this weird situation where I want everyone to know I've got a brand new blog...yet at the same time, I don't. *sigh*

I remember two or three of my most recent blog attempts. My livejournal, my yahoo 360 page, and I think there's actually another blogger blog around here somewhere that I remember the login information to. I will be posting links on these three blogs and then cross my fingers.

I don't understand this tendency I have. This tendency to move around on the internet and change blog spaces, change identities, change email addresses. Its ridiculous. I've had the same email address for a solid 2 months now, which is a record for me, trust me. I think in the 2 months I've had this address, I've received maybe 10 emails from people I actually know. The rest of my email consists of e-newsletters I have subscribed to and other types of email lists. Depressing. I don't blame my friends. They don't know where to send the email, so they've just given up. Now, the same situation has befallen my personal blogosphere. Again, I can't blame anyone but myself.

I am taking comfort in the fact that I've managed to maintain the same email address for longer than I've done for quite some time. I am hoping that this will carry over to this blog. If not, I hope that I will, at the very least, develop some sort of a readership, over time.