Friday, November 10, 2006

Renewed Motivation and changes in plans...

I am behind in my classes. VERY BEHIND. I don't remember exactly how it all happened, but at some point, a few weeks ago, I fell *slightly* behind, and that *slightly* has snowballed into tremendously behind. *sigh* I have this mixed ball of emotions: guilt, sadness, embarassment, fear, anxiety, panic. All these emotions have made me very avoidant of anything remotely related to school. Why? I HAVE NO IDEA! *sigh*

All is not lost. I spoke to some people at my school, and they're going to give me a freebie one week extension for each of my classes. If that's not enough, I can ask for an incomplete, and then I will have 6 weeks to finish my work. They are very supportive and very willing to help out. This is a huge relief.

As for the changes in plans, I am changing majors to boring old business administration (with a focus on project management) Why? My dear E. and I are planning on going into business together. It would be very helpful if at least one of us knew something about how to run a business. ;) That *and* the program I really want to switch to (web development) isn't offered online (and the closest campus is in Greenville, SC).

So, if I can make it through the next few weeks and get my work done, I can then breathe a huge sigh of relief. Wish me luck!

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