Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Follow the white rabbit...

Have you made it through the rabbit hole? Is anyone out there reading this? Probably not. I'm hoping that at some point, and relatively soon, there will be. I don't like the idea of throwing my thoughts out into the void, knowing that no one will ever see them. Not like my thoughts are anything special...but its sort of comforting to know that someone's reading along.

I think this is my one millionth blog. I've had so many blogs, even *I* cannot remember all of them. I tried, this afternoon, to remember several of the most recent so that I could put a link on them to *this* blog and you know what? I draw a blank. Its silly, its ridiculous, it could almost even be shameful. My poor readers have all dissipated, as a result, I am almost certain. I'm embarassed about this whole situation, and so I won't be emailing my friends and closest associates about this new blog. Its this weird situation where I want everyone to know I've got a brand new blog...yet at the same time, I don't. *sigh*

I remember two or three of my most recent blog attempts. My livejournal, my yahoo 360 page, and I think there's actually another blogger blog around here somewhere that I remember the login information to. I will be posting links on these three blogs and then cross my fingers.

I don't understand this tendency I have. This tendency to move around on the internet and change blog spaces, change identities, change email addresses. Its ridiculous. I've had the same email address for a solid 2 months now, which is a record for me, trust me. I think in the 2 months I've had this address, I've received maybe 10 emails from people I actually know. The rest of my email consists of e-newsletters I have subscribed to and other types of email lists. Depressing. I don't blame my friends. They don't know where to send the email, so they've just given up. Now, the same situation has befallen my personal blogosphere. Again, I can't blame anyone but myself.

I am taking comfort in the fact that I've managed to maintain the same email address for longer than I've done for quite some time. I am hoping that this will carry over to this blog. If not, I hope that I will, at the very least, develop some sort of a readership, over time.


Unknown said...

i ALWAYS read your blog

Ireth Enelya said...

:D I'm so glad to discover you still read my blog. YAY!